I never understood what the fuss was about these primed-for-insta walls around the parks until recently, and now... I'm definitely a fan :)
If you're not familiar with what I’m talking about, here’s the spark notes version... there are walls themed to different areas around the parks that social media loving guests like to take pictures in front because of the unique wall colors and designs... or so I thought. I later came to realize that not only are the colors and backgrounds fun and unique, but the locations and lighting are so fantastic, the combination of all these things makes each photo look extra polished.

For the photographer in all of us, I compiled a list of our favorite insta-worthy walls across the parks as well as where they’re located and what they look like. Hopefully this guide will help you add some fun photo spots to your day to make your trip memories even more colorful :)
Below is part 1 of the two part insta walls list.
Magic Kingdom
The Purple Wall - located in the walkway between Tomorrowland Terrace and Monsters Inc. Laugh Floor. There are two sections, the OG Purple Wall and the updated Galactic Purple Wall. Both makes for great photos!! They are right next to each other so I recommend stopping for a pic at both.

(Michael is the best trooper of a husband ever! Thanks for making the purple wall look extra handsome 😉)

Tallulah’s Wardrobe
Bow - Hadley Girl | Bib - Sincerely L&I | Top - Bailey’s Blossoms
Shorts - Adam + Yve | Shoes - Target Previous Collection
Blue Wall - located outside of the Buzz Lightyear Space Ranger Spin exit. When you leave the gift shop, it's the wall on the right.

Tallulah’s Wardrobe
Bow - Something to Talk About | Top - Target | Shorts - Target | Shoes - Adidas
Candy Stripe Wall - located in the Main Street Confectionery. It’s a bit of a busy location since it’s right inside the doorway, but its adorable! Totally worth the adventure to get a pic here!

Tallulah’s Wardrobe
Bow - Amazon | Romper - Carters Previous Collection
This is the park for insta-wall photos! There are so many fun choices!
The Galaxy Wall - What a fun surprise! I love this background. It will only be there for a limited time since it’s actually the construction wall for the new Guardians of the Galaxy ride that is being built at the old Ellen's Energy Adventure area.

Tallulah’s Wardrobe
Bow - Hadley Girl | Dress - Target Previous Collection | Shoes - Adidas
The Mosaic Wall - This wall has such beautiful colors and the natural lighting is great! It's located at the entrance and exit of The Land Pavilion.

Tallulah's Wardrobe
Onesie - Target | Shorts - Adam + Yve
The Bubble Gum Wall - This one is totally infamous now that the wall legit has inspired a set of Mickey Ears sold at the park with the same design. It’s such a pretty place! If you’re walking into the park’s main entrance, it’s on the left exit of Spaceship Earth.

Tallulah’s Wardrobe
Bow - Hadley Girl | Top - Jamie Kay Previous Collection | Bottoms - Target
Shoes - Adidas
The Blueberry Wall - This wall is about 10 steps from the Bubblegum Wall. It’s right in front of it at the Spaceship Earth exit. I absolutely adore how photos turn out in front of this wall. Please note, at certain times of the day, it can have pretty harsh lighting but it's worth coming back when there's cloud coverage.

Tallulah’s Wardrobe
Bow - Hadley Girl | Top - Jamie Kay Previous Collection | Bottoms - Target
Shoes - Adidas
Morocco - This pavilion is beautiful! It totally transports you. I love exploring the streets and shops. There are so many photo worthy spots. This indoor fountain is probably my fav from a color and lighting standpoint (but let’s be real, it’s one of my fav pics because of that sweet girl posing like that on her own accord).

Tallulah’s Wardrobe
Paci and Clip - Ryan & Rose | Bow - Hadley Girl | Dress - Target Previous Collection
Shoes - Old Navy
The Toothpaste Wall - This wall is super tiny, particularly on the fastpass side, but it still makes for cute pics :) It's located in the queue of The Seas with Nemo and Friends right before you go inside.

Tallulah’s Wardrobe
Paci and Clip - Ryan & Rose | Onesie - Target | Shorts - Adam + Yve
Shoes - Buy Buy Baby
Rose Gold Wall - located before the entrance of Mission Space. Little miss was too cozy in her stroller to take her out for this pic. So I got to pose with my man!

I’d love to see your Magic Kingdom and Epcot insta-wall pics! Post your photos in the comments ♥️
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